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E-learning Localization

Main / Services / Translation & Localization / E-learning Localization
Increase engagement and achieve better retention by providing training in the native language of your audience.
Ensure high efficiency of your e-learning or corporate training content across languages, regions and cultures with our dedicated localization solutions.

Engage your audiences with our localization services

Two persons on a video call
Our multicultural teams combine linguistic and subject matter expertise with a deep understanding of the habits and culture of your target audience to produce technically accurate and culturally relevant content that will help you engage any audience and maximize your results.
In order to realize the full value of any training, you need to localize your content and adapt it to the language and cultural preferences of your audience.
Due to its versatility, e-learning is becoming ever more popular both in academia and as a means of corporate training and instruction.

We localize and transcreate:

Online content
Online courses
Online learning
Training videos
Video materials
Multimedia content
Training manuals and learning aids
User interface
Interactive training modules
Training games
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Multimedia localization
Our localization solution will help you get the most out of your multimedia e-learning content to engage your global audiences and boost training efficiency.
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UI/UX testing
Our team of experienced testers will perform a thorough testing of your product to make sure that all pictures, text, video and other visual elements display correctly, and that the users across the globe get the best possible experience in any language, on any device or platform.
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